Year 9

Equipping students with the skills and knowledge they need for high level functioning in our future local and global communities.

Year 9 is a year where students are trusted to begin making choices about their individual educational pathways, building upon skills and knowledge developed during years 7 and 8.

The Year 9 Program at Footscray High School allows all students to choose a range of subjects that suit their individual interests as well as comprehensively covering the key skills and knowledge as defined by the Victorian Curriculum.

Subjects in the Year 9 Program curriculum are drawn from the 8 Learning Areas of the Victorian Curriculum (English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, the Arts, Technology, Health/Physical Education and Languages) as well as incorporating the four Cross Curricula Capabilities of Critical/Creative Thinking, Ethical, Intercultural and Personal/Social education.

Year 9 presents an opportunity for students to individually choose a large part of their course, so they should take care to think not just about interests, but also areas of strength and potential.

Year 9 Curriculum Program

For more detailed information about the Junior School curriculum please refer to the FHS Junior School Handbook.
The handbook includes overviews of the year 7, 8 and 9 programs and subject descriptions.

SegmentSubject50 Minute Lessons Per FortnightDuration
Core Curriculum---
English or EAL (English as an Additional Language)8Full year subject
Mathematics8Full year subject
Humanities6Full year subject
Science6Full year subject
Health / Physical Education6Full year subject
Language / Literacy6Full year subject
SEE2Full year subject
Urban & Rural Incentives1.1253 one week duration intensives
Community Inquiry Project---
Select one of: Technology & Engineering, Sustainability, Social Justice or Wellbeing12Semester long subject
Pathway Extensions---
Arts (one must be chosen)3Semester long subject
Technology (one must be chosen)3Semester long subject
Additional Pathway Extensions---
Two additional Pathway Extensions of choice from the full range of offerings6Semester long subject