What platform have you been using for online learning? Have students had daily face to face contact with teachers? We have been using Google during this period, as supported by chrome books. Teachers have daily contact with their students, and this has been done through remote learning during the stage 4 restrictions.
Are there any plans for enhancing student connection (like a camp) in the event we are still remote learning next year? We will continue to work with Department of Education and Training to ensure all future learning adheres to the advice of the Victorian Chief Health Officer. Once camps are permitted, the school intends to reinstate the program in line with the latest health advice and policy.
What else can parents do to support the teaching staff at this time? We regularly communicate with families through the website and Facebook page on how parent and caregivers can best support their child’s teacher.
Will the restrictions affect the construction of the campuses? The onsite works at the school campuseshave been classified as ‘State Critical Infrastructure Projects’ and as such, are able to continue. The contractors responsible for these works have been asked to consider reducing onsite workforce numbers where practical, and the reduction does not compromise delivery. Contractors are required to comply with Stage 4 restrictions which […]